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 The name, “Amazon”, comes from the word of indigenous origin “amassunu” which means “sound of water or water that thunders”.

The Amazon is a vast region that spans across eight rapidly developing countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname. It covers most of the Amazon Basin in South America. The basin is 2.7 million square miles while the Amazon covers 2.1 million square miles of it. If the Amazon rainforest was a country, it would rank 9th in size.

Can We Afford To Destroy It?

The Amazon is the planet's largest remaining rainforest, teeming with more wildlife than anywhere else on Earth. The Amazon contains 30% of the world's biodiversity and is estimated to have a quarter of all known land species. The Amazon also stores 80 to 120 billion tonnes of carbon, helping to stabilize the planet's carbon. But this majestic rainforest is caught between the twin destructive forces of deforestation and climate change. 

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