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Meet Our Dedicated Team

 Sarah:  Sarah is an ethusiastic Montessori student who is determened to raise awareness about the deforestation and habitat destruction of the Amazon. "The Amazon is basically the lungs of our world. If we destroy the Amazon we are destroying ourselves."

Robyn: Robyn is a Montessori student who is passionate about trees and hates knowing that 150 acres of trees are cut down in the Amazon every minute. "People don't realize they have things until they're gone and that's what's going to happen with the Amazon if we don't stop it."

Donald: Donald is an intelligent Montessori student who is willing to work to raise awareness for the World Wildlife Fund to help save the Amazon. "We might be the ones who are destroying the Amazon, but we can also be the ones to save it."

Harout: Harout is an energetic Montessori Student who is determined to save the valuable Amazon rainforest.  " Rainforests are the world's air conditioning system, the lungs of the planet-and we are on the verge of switching them off" 

Thomas: Thomas is a creative and innovative Montessori student that wants to help open people's eyes to the reality of the sitiuation in the Amazon rainforest. " We must provide funds to the rainforest countries that need to re-orientate their economies so that the trees are worth more alive than dead.  

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