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The Amazon is a vast and majestic rainforest teeming with an estimated quarter of all known land species. The jaguar, the pink river dolphin, the sloth, the largest flower in the world, a monkey the size of a toothbrush and a spider the size of a baseball are just a few of the species that we know about - there are many more yet to be discovered.


In total the Amazon is home to more than 2 million species, many of which are only found in the Amazon. So far we have identified 643 unique species including 326 birds, 185 fish, 67 mammals, 37 amphibians and 28 reptiles.  



The Amazon is home to 643 unique species. 

Most rainforest birds dwell in the canopy of the rainforest but some also live in the emergent layer of the rainforest. 


 326 unique species

Common foods for Amazon Rainforest birds include leaves, fruits, nuts and insects.

No other ecosystem in the world  has this many species of birds. Over 1,300 species can be found in the Amazon. The variety of species includes macaws, toucans, birds of prey, parrots, hummingbirds, ducks, herons, partridge,  and many other species . 20% of the world's bird species are found in the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon contains the most endemic bird species of any forested area in the world, meaning that the birds found in this region cannot be found elsewhere in the world.  For this reason, bird watchers and scientists often go to the rainforests of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia to view and study rare species. With the high rate of deforestation taking place, some estimates predict that in forty years, the end of rainforests as we know them. Since most Amazon Rainforest birds live high in the treetops, they will lose their homes and their populations will face serious consequences. Sadly, of the 18 species of Macaws in the Amazon Rainforest, several are currently on the endangered list and some species may already be extinct. Deforestation and illegal trapping of these beautiful birds to sell as pets are the primary reasons. Here are some of the most significant species:


Birds of Prey






The majority of the mammals that live in the Amazon dwell on the forest floor. But animals like sloths, monkeys and bats live in the canopy or the emergent layer of the rainforest.


67 unique species

The diet of mammals is varied because the mammals are either carnivores, omnivores or herbivores.

Amazon mammals have successfully colonised the ground, the trees, and the air filling the jungle with a diversity of different species. The Amazon rain forest is home to more than 300 species of mammals, including familiar forest mammals such as raccoons, bats, mice, deer and otter; iconic rain forest mammals, such as jaguars, spider monkeys, bats, anteaters and armadillos; and strange and unique mammals such as capybara, freshwater dolphin, tapirs, peccaries, sloths and agouti. Unfortunately, many mammals, including the pink river dolphin, the jaguar, the giant otter and the spider monkey have been placed on the endangered list due to habitat destruction, diminished food sources and hunting. 



Freshwater Mammals 

Land Mammals


Anteaters & Armadillos


Reptiles and amphibians are found in virtually all the rainforest habitats, ranging from the high canopy to streams and creeks. 

Reptiles and Amphibians 

68 unique species

Most reptiles eat other animals but some lizards and turtles are herbivores. An amphibian's diet is mostly composed of insects, but bigger frogs or toads may eat other animals.

 From lizards like geckos, anoles and iguanas, to giant boa constrictors, to slow-moving yellow-footed tortoises, to fearsome caimans and crocodiles, there are more than 400 species of reptiles livng in the Amazon rainforest and more than 500 species of known amphibians call the Amazon home. Unfortunately, many reptiles and amphibians are threatened by habitat loss, the pet trade, and environmental change. Amphibians are particularly at risk from a deadly disease that is spreading around the globe. The disease has already caused the extinction of at least 170 species of frogs and toads over the past 30 years. Scientists have not yet pinpointed what is causing the outbreak or how it can be controlled. Emergency measures have been implemented for some endangered species, which are being collected and kept in zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens until a cure can be found. 



Turtles & Tortoises 


Frogs and Toads


The Amazon's waters, including rivers, creeks, lakes, and swamps are home to the  freshwater fish species. 


158 unique species

Considering all fish that live in the Amazon there is good balance between canivorous fish and herbivorous fish. But there are also some omnivorous fish, which makes a balanced food chain. 

The Amazon has roughly 3,000 species of fish; nearly one-third of the world's freshwater fish species live there. Some of the rain forest's most interesting species include the piranha, which is known for its ability to strip an unlucky animal's flesh to the bone in minutes; the electric eel, which can deliver a powerful shock, even up to eight hours after its death; and the arapaima, the largest fish in the world. The Amazon rain forest is also home to game fish, such as peacock bass, catfish and tambaqui. Many of the fish you find in pet stores and aqauriums usually are originally from the Amazon rainforest. Fish like angelfish, neon tetras, discus, and common algae-eating catfish come from the Amazon. Amazon Rainforest fish are the main source of protein for local Amazon communities and also a main source of revenue. It is almost impossible to visit the Amazon region and not see or hear about fish in some form. 


No matter where you go in the Amazon, you will always find invertabrates there.

Some invertabrates are canivorous, some omnivorous and some herbivorous.

Invertebrates are by far the most abundant and most diverse animals in the rainforest. They have invaded nearly every niche imaginable and many unimaginable, and each plays a unique, although still poorly understood, role in the ecosystem. For example, in the soil invertebrates are essential in the process of decomposition. These species feed on broken-down plant plant material and organic particles. Earthworms, termites, and others fragment larger particles into sizes more manageable for bacteria, fungi, and microorganisms. 

Butterflies and Caterpillars 





The Amazon is home to as many as 80,000 plant species from which more than 40,000 species play a critical role in regulating the global climate and sustaining the local water cycle.  But the richness of species is one thing, and abundance another. While there may be many species in the Amazon, these often exist in low numbers over large areas.



The Amazon rainforest has a huge live collection of flora species. Botanical experts say that in 2.5 acres of the forest you can find 700 different species of trees and twice that number of plants. One of the most awesome things you will notice is that the forest has a high density of trees and they are very tall. If it started raining it would take about 10 minutes for the rain to actually make it to the forest floor.  Many trees reach 130 meters high (some species reach 200 feet), and under they form a shadowed place where at times is hard to see the sun. The Amazon also has a myriad of wild flowers of incredible beauty and variety that give a unique color to the region, found throughout the entire area, from the rivers to the mountains.



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